KU-EHS Programs

These are the program areas and service units within EHS:
Asbestos & Lead
EHS is responsible for administering and monitoring mold, asbestos and lead paint program efforts at the University of Kansas.
Our goal is to prevent and/or minimize occupational and environmental exposure from asbestos or lead-based paint containing materials that may be disturbed, released or disposed.
We work closely with Design & Construction Management, Facilities Services, Student Housing, IT, Athletics, and many other campus units to assure that potential asbestos or lead paint hazards are identified and proper controls are in place before and during any construction, renovation, maintenance, operations, or other activities that take place on campus.
Contact Asbestos/Lead Services

Hazardous Materials
EHS is responsible for administering and monitoring the hazardous materials program efforts at the University of Kansas - Lawrence Campus.
Our goal is to prevent and/or minimize environmental/safety hazards and risk associated with campus activities utilizing hazardous materials.
We work closely with academic, research, and other campus units to assure that potential hazardous materials risks are identified and that proper controls are in place before and during any campus activity.
Contact Hazardous Materials Services

Environmental Protection
EHS is responsible for administering and monitoring the environmental protection program efforts at the University of Kansas - Lawrence Campus.
Our goal is to prevent and/or minimize environmental hazards and risk associated with campus activities.
We work closely with academic, research, and other campus units to assure that potential environmental hazards or risks are identified and that proper controls are in place before and during any campus activity.

Laboratory Safety & Biosafety
EHS is responsible for administering and monitoring laboratory safety programs at the University of Kansas - Lawrence Campus.
Our goal is to prevent and/or minimize occupational and environmental exposure from hazardous materials usage and hazardous activities being conducted in the laboratory environment.
We work closely with academic, research, and other campus support laboratories to assure that potential laboratory hazards or risks are identified and that proper controls are in place before and during any laboratory activities.
Contact Lab Safety

Occupational Safety & Health
EHS is responsible for administering and monitoring the occupational safety & health efforts at the University of Kansas - Lawrence Campus.
Our goal is to prevent and/or minimize employee/personnel injuries & illnesses from an occupational exposure to potentially hazardous work environments and activities across campus.
We work closely with academic, research, and other campus units and personnel to assure that potential occupational safety & health hazards or risks are identified and that proper controls are in place before and during any occupational activities that may take place.
Contact Occupational Safety & Health Services

Radiation & Laser Safety
EHS is responsible for administering and monitoring the radiation safety and laser safety program efforts at the University of Kansas - Lawrence Campus.
Our goal is to prevent and/or minimize occupational and environmental exposure from radiation & laser usage/activities across campus.
EHS Radiation & Laser Safety Service is committed to keeping occupational doses and public doses to radiation As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA). ALARA is the professional practice-of-excellence standard for achieving safety and regulatory objectives through the proper evaluation of potential exposure and by making every reasonable effort to reduce potential exposure. This comprehensive Radiation Protection and Laser Safety Program promotes the safety and health of employees, students, and the public by facilitating educational, research, and campus activities that use radiation and laser sources and devices.
Contact EHS Radiation Safety Services