Departmental Overview

We are an administrative services unit that reports to the Vice Chancellor of Operations-Lawrence Campus

We are committed to aiding you in the protection of human health, safety and the environment in a manner that enhances the quality of education, research and public service on our campus.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to:

(1) Assist faculty, staff, and students with designing facilities that meet safety requirements and with inculcating and implementing safe practices in the conduct and operation of University programs, activities, and facilities;

(2) Monitor campus activities to assure that Federal, State, Local, and University environmental, health and safety laws, regulations, ordinances, and policies are being followed;

(3) Carry out the assigned management responsibilities associated with the following campus environment, health and safety programs:

  • Air Quality (Outdoor & Indoor)
  • Asbestos Compliance and Removal
  • Environmental Compliance, Protection and Impact Assessments
  • Hazardous Materials: Use, Transportation, Disposal, Recycling & Waste Minimization
  • Laboratory Safety: General, Biological, & Chemical
  • Lead Based Paint Compliance & Removal
  • Occupational Safety & Health Assistance
  • Pollution Prevention
  • Radiation & Laser Safety: Materials Procurement, Use & Disposal
  • Water Quality, Storm Water & Wastewater Discharge



EHS Organizational Chart