KU-EHS Releases 2023 Water Quality Report


KU LAWRENCE CAMPUS -- The Department of Environment, Health & Safety (KU-EHS) has announced that they have released a new report detailing water quality results on Lawrence campus for calendar year 2023. This report is generated from data collected by KU-EHS staff and reported on a periodic basis to the KU-campus community and general public.

The 2023 Campus Drinking (Consumer Confidence) Water Quality Report, presents the results from analyses conducted by the KU-LC Department of Environment, Health & Safety (KU-LC EHS) and the City of Lawrence of drinking water samples collected on the KU-LC and at the City of Lawrence drinking water treatment plants during the 2023 calendar year.

Current (and some archival) water quality reports are also available on the KU-EHS website.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding water quality on campus, contact EHS Dept., 785-864-4089 or ehsdept@ku.edu.