Employee Safety Committee

Role: The University Safety & Health Committee (USHC) serves as a resource to the campus on matters of occupational safety and health. It provides advice and support to KU-EHS in developing and implementing campus occupational safety and health programs. The USHC is comprised of a broad cross-section of employee representation from across campus.

Employee Safety Committee
Committee Chair

Mike Russell, Director, Environment, Health and Safety, 785-864-2854


Committee MembersSteven Levenson, Safety & Health Specialist, Environment, Health & Safety
 Katie Varner, Director of Employee Relations, Human Resources
 Brian Alfers, Assistant Custodial Supervisor, Custodial Services
 Myrna Liska, Custodian, Custodial Services
 Joe Meinecke, Art/Design Lab Manager, Visual Arts Department
 Kent Miller, Assoc. Dean, Libraries
 Crystal Golightley, Captain, KU Police Department
 Charles Helmer, Plumbing Supervisor, Facilities Services
 Mike Geffre, Electrician Senior, Facilities Services